(COMIC1☆5) [Miyanchi (Miyagoe Yoshitsuki)] InfiniteDiplomacy (Infinite Stratos)

NOTE: the main idea for this story
came from the movie “She’s The Man”
a movie about a girl who goes to
school posing as her twin brother. [Mx2J] Hahri's Lumpy Star Ch.1~4… With all her father's old tools in a single bag she thanked her father and got the hell out of there and back over to her friend Stacey's house, “Did you get it?, Did you get it?” Stacey jumped around excited, “Yes I got it” Jessica replied over turning the bag dumping all her fathers old tools on the bed, they were rusty and not well cared for over the years of not being used, Stacey picked up the tagging gun and fondled it lovingly, “Ok meat strip” she said waving the tagging gun around, “Hehe, I’ve always wanted to say that” she said as Jessica stripped off her brothers uniform.

Hentai: (COMIC1☆5) [Miyanchi (Miyagoe Yoshitsuki)] InfiniteDiplomacy (Infinite Stratos)

InfiniteDiplomacy 1InfiniteDiplomacy 2InfiniteDiplomacy 3InfiniteDiplomacy 4InfiniteDiplomacy 5InfiniteDiplomacy 6InfiniteDiplomacy 7InfiniteDiplomacy 8InfiniteDiplomacy 9InfiniteDiplomacy 10InfiniteDiplomacy 11InfiniteDiplomacy 12InfiniteDiplomacy 13InfiniteDiplomacy 14InfiniteDiplomacy 15InfiniteDiplomacy 16InfiniteDiplomacy 17InfiniteDiplomacy 18InfiniteDiplomacy 19InfiniteDiplomacy 20InfiniteDiplomacy 21InfiniteDiplomacy 22InfiniteDiplomacy 23InfiniteDiplomacy 24InfiniteDiplomacy 25

(COMIC1☆5) [みやんち (宮越良月)]InfiniteDiplomacy(インフィニット・ストラトス)

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