Hot Girl Fuck Be Completely Changed Chile

He found my digital camera and walked down the hall to the bathroom “great she’s forgotten to lock the door” john whispered, Rowan smiled he knew what john was thinking and he approved completely, “I don’t know about this” I said, taking pictures of my sister in the shower and blackmailing her into giving me back my money seemed like a good idea, but my friends seeing my little sister naked? leering at her? The looks they give her fully clothed are bad enough but naked? ” You want your money don’t you?” said John “yes” I said, “good, now I’m going in I’ll take a few snaps, get them to your computer and she’ll have no choice but to give you your money back, unless she wants every man and boy in the village jerking off to her naked body” John laughed, Rowan was grinning too I knew they wanted to help me but I also knew they really wanted to see my sister naked more, something told me after all of this was done they were going to keep some copies for themselves I know I was, John opened the door and quietly snuck in he could hear the shower, there was steam everywhere, he saw the shower curtain and carefully slid it open making sure he was very quiet ‘great’ he thought she’s got shampoo on her face and her eyes were closed, John waited for her to turn for a full frontal shot and click, click, click, Sarah froze “who’s there? Damian is that you?” She screamed, John ran out of the bathroom laughing threw me the camera I uploaded the images and brought them up in under a minute, Rowan locked the door to my bedroom, mission accomplished and then we feasted our eyes on my sisters hot naked body, I had to admit knowing my friends were getting wood off my sisters shots kind of turned me on, “dude I would love to ride that” said Rowan “me too” said john, Just then an idea formed in my mind “hey, why don’t we?” I said,
2 minutes later Sarah showed up at the door, I unlocked it and there she stood she was wearing a bathrobe and her hair was wet, “Hears your £50” she said, already guessing the trade off “thank you, but I want something else instead” I grinned as I opened the door fully revealing John and Rowan sitting on my bed, “what are they doing here? Have they seen the photos you took?” said Sarah with a lump in her throat “yep…” I said cheerfully “…. Breaking Sarah’s will with my friends help part 1

It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang
Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were
Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was my job to “baby-sit” her for the weekend even though she was old enough to take care of herself, Sarah had always been a nuisance to me constantly telling on me when we were younger if I’d done something wrong not to mention she was always mummy and daddies good little girl but I knew better, suddenly the handle to my door started to turn, thank god I remembered to lock it “hey Damian open the door” I heard Sarah yell “I’m busy” I said “what do you want”, “I want to use your computer to go on the internet”, “I want to check my e-mail,” she said, I put my dick back into my sweatpants and unlocked
The door, standing there was Sarah wearing nothing but a towel tightly wrapped around her displaying her Marilyn-Monroe type body, big meaty breasts, a slightly toned waist,
Curvy hips, legs a touch on the fleshy side and a nicely shaped ass that I had always observed whenever she bent over to put a disk in the DVD player, she also had a very pretty face, large green catlike eyes, button nose, long blonde curls and a mouth you’d love to stuff with your cock, some would call her chubby but most would agree on ample or full bodied, “I’m just about to take a shower but I wanted to check my e-mail first” she started sniffing “what’s that smell” she enquired “have you been eating tuna?” lost for words and feeling quite flushed I simply said yes “will you be on the internet long?” I asked the sight of her wearing nothing but that skimpy towel was making me seriously horny “just a minute” she said, she sat down at my desk and the split in her towel exposed her inner upper thigh I felt a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach, I was nauseous with lust, “what’s this” she said as she clicked on my porn folder images of busty blondes getting gang-banged whilst being tied up appeared in front of her, a horrified look fell over her face, “oh gross, Damian you fucking pervert, now I know what that fishy smell is you’ve been wanking off to this, wait ‘till mom and dad hear about this!” she said sneering, “your not going to tell them are you?” I said sounding panicked and looking embarrassed “well…I don’t have to not if you give £50 “ she said
Grinning, “fine” I said handing her the money any lustful feelings I had were now replaced with anger and rage, “thank you pervert” she said “I’ll leave you to jerk off now” and she left my room to have her shower, my blood boiled I needed that money for going out with my friends, I cursed myself for letting opening the door in the first place,
‘little bitch’ I thought as I was sitting down, just then the door rang I ran downstairs to answer it there were my friends john and rowan “what’s up Damian?” asked john as they stepped in, “my little sister found that porn you sent me and I just handed her £50 to keep quite about it” I said, John and Rowan made their way to my room “what’s that noise?” Rowan asked, “that’s her now taking a shower” I said, “really? I’ve got an idea” said john.

Hentai: [Metamorgirl] Be Completely Changed

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