Spanish Artist Collection – My Hero Academia Sextoy

I had been seeing one married woman named Wilma on and off over about a year, (I tried to avoid continual relationships as I had had a very possessive woman that caused me a great deal of hassle early on and it was not a experience I looked forward to repeating, so “happily” married women looking for fun on the side were the order of the day), anyway to get on with the story one evening after Wilma and I had had been screwing she asked if I might be interested in doing a favour for a friend of a friend of hers, “tell me more” I said, so she then went on to say that her friend was to be chief bridesmaid at the forthcoming wedding of her best friend, apparently a list had been written of things the bride would like to do before tying the knot, one of the list items was to have casual sex with a clean well hung guy and my name had been mentioned as a possible candidate “Is she ugly” I asked, “ No she is quite attractive slim and petite, just your type really” Wilma replied, “Who is she?” I asked “can’t tell you, I’m not allowed to, she is 22 and you have never met her and you are not allowed to either until the day of the dirty deed, if that is to happen” added Wilma “so what if she doesn’t fancy me” I asked, “she does, she was in the pub last Friday to have a look at you”, “Really” I said and began to try to place her but gave up when Wilma added “ There are conditions attached”, “What conditions?” I asked, Wilma explained that the deed was to take place at least 20 miles away at a hotel booked by them, I would only be told the date and time in advance, then on the day Wilma would deliver me to the hotel where I would wait for the blushing bride to be, who was to be in complete control of the meeting, she would decide everything from positions to duration, I was not to ask her any questions, not even her name, then after the event she would get picked up by her friend and Wilma would come to collect me, then I was never to see her again, it would be as if it had never happened. [Hachuu Rui] Kyonyuu Venus After what seemed an eternity she rose off the bed and finally spoke to me “that was fuckin’ fantastic, I knew I was missing out on something, my name is Jenny by the way, I know who you are”, my cock was lying limply across my leg still leaking a little, Jenny began chatting about nothing in particular until finally she asked if there was any chance that she could have “seconds” to which I replied that she was welcome to try, she dipped her head back to my still soft cock and slipped it into her mouth, gently sucking me back to hardness, when I regained a full erection she positioned herself so that I could mount her doggie fashion, this time my cock slipped home quite easily and I began to ride her with long slow strokes, I started to finger her butt hole and she just sighed her approval as my finger gently moved in and out of her anus, I continued to work my cock into her until she clamped her thighs and came onto my cock, I thought about trying to get my cock into her ass hole, but she just rolled onto her back and lay there her legs splayed breathing heavily and as I looked at her I felt a pang of jealousy that she belonged to someone else, It was a irrational thought and it surprised me, she seemed to have read my thought and began to get up as if ready to leave, I pulled her back onto the bed and asked her to let me come again before she left, she simply nodded and I rolled her on to her back and mounted her missionary style and I began to “make love” for the first time in a long time, she responded to my every move and it was bliss as we moved to a mutual orgasm.

Hentai: Artist collection [ feelax ] (giantess)

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